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The meat of a sheep is very tasty and very tender. This makes it very popular in certain dishes. Especially when you choose good quality you will notice that there is a world of difference. We make sure that the sheep can walk around freely and has a natural diet and you really notice that. We offer mutton in different ways so that you always have a little variation. Read on and find out more about this delicious tender meat that we offer as an online butcher.

Sheep meat in different dishes

Because the meat is offered in different forms, you can do a lot with it. It also combines very easily with all kinds of vegetables. We have a dishes page where you can find all kinds of delicious inspiration. If you have a dish of your own you can also add it and share it with others. For example, you can make very tasty rice dishes and soups with it. The soup is of course prepared with a homemade broth.

Organ meat of the sheep

Organic meat is very healthy and it is a source of healthy nutrients. When cooked well, it has a delicious taste and is very tender. It cannot be compared to other types of mutton, which makes it a delicious delicacy. For example, you can let a sheep's heart simmer deliciously in a broth. The liver, on the other hand, can be fried briefly in thick slices and is delicious to eat with different kinds of vegetables. Because the organs are all used in this way, no meat is wasted. If you are going to buy mutton, you should definitely consider the offal for a change.

Drawing stock from sheep bones

You can buy stock ready to eat and even in the shape of a cube. Yet nothing is really the same as a broth that you have had prepared at home with all your favourite ingredients. It is very easy to do and takes little effort. All you need is a little patience. You put the bones in a pan with water, apple vinegar and Celtic sea salt. Of course you can also add different kinds of vegetables for more flavour. Bring this to the boil and let it soak for 24 hours. After this you sieve the whole and the stock is ready. You can make soup or sauces, for example. Sheep meat is a great base for a delicious bone broth.

Choosing for quality

Meat is a luxury product and it is not really the intention to consume so much of it When you buy a good piece of mutton you can enjoy the taste of it so much more. The sheep whose meat we offer are grass-fed and live as free a life as possible. No antibiotics or hormones are used to make them grow faster. Because of this you get a piece of pure natural and grass fed meat. In this way you can enjoy the taste without the disadvantages of meat from the mass industry. You pay a little more but in return you also get more but in quality.

Buying sheep meat at De Woeste Grond

We only offer meat of which we dare to guarantee 100% quality. This is only possible if we know where the meat comes from and how the animals are treated. That is why we do not use large sheds with sheep that are close together. This is also a stressful situation for the animals and does not have a positive effect on the meat. You pay a little more with us, but you get a lot in return. The best quality sheep meat without unhealthy additives and a considerably lower carbon footprint. Buy mutton at online butcher De Woeste Grond and you will always receive an exclusive piece of meat sent to your home. Ordering meat online has so many advantages.

✅ Is het vlees biologisch?
Ja, onze (online) slagerij is biologisch gecertificeerd door SKAL. Alle kip en varkensvleesproducten zijn biologisch. Wij verwerken in onze slagerij ook vlees van biologische veeboeren, zodat zij het vlees van hun eigen dieren op hun eigen boerderij kunnen verkopen.

✅ Wat is grasgevoerd natuurvlees?
Grasgevoerd natuurvlees is vlees van dieren die in natuurgebieden grazen. Ze eten uitsluitend wat in de natuurgebieden te krijgen is. Bij een hele strenge winter kunnen de dieren met hooi uit het natuurgebied bijgevoerd. De Maine Anjou gaan naar de potstal waar ze ook uitsluitend hooi uit de natuurgebieden krijgen. Ze groeien dus natuurlijk op en eten 100% gras. Ze krijgen geen krachtvoer vol toevoegingen en geen maïs. Dat maakt het vlees ontzettend gezond, duurzaam en veel diervriendelijker.

✅ Waar en hoe bezorgen jullie?
Het bestellen van vlees online is als je voor het eerst besteld misschien een beetje vreemd, maar wij zorgen al jaren met veel succes door heel Nederland en België. Het gras gevoerde natuurvlees wordt door onze natuurslager Léon na het verwerken direct vacuümverpakt en ingevroren. Het vlees wordt diepgevroren op minimaal -20 graden Celsius – door een pakketbezorger - bij je thuisbezorgd.

✅ Is het vlees traceerbaar?
Jazeker! Ons natuurvlees is afkomstig van de Schotse Hooglander, Maine Anjou, Hereford, biologische varkens en Schoonebeker Schaap. Deze oerrassen leven in natuurgebieden in Drenthe, Friesland, Groningen en Overijssel. Onze keten is duurzaam en klein en het vlees heeft een duidelijke herkomstgarantie.

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