Availability: In stock

Beef liver
Beef has a lot of healthy nutrients. If you fry beef liver in thick slices, not rock-hard, but just right, then beef liver is really delicious. And it is also a natural source of vitamins. Delicious in combination with bacon, onion and/or apple. And super healthy.

Packaged at ± 300 grams
Price per kg €18,00

100% grass-fed beef.

Remove the liver from the freezer and leave to thaw in the fridge.
Let the meat come to room temperature from the fridge.
Cut the liver into thick slices.
Season with salt and pepper.
Roll the liver through the flour.
Melt the butter in the pan.
Fry the liver in the butter when the foam has disappeared.
Fry the liver for approximately 3 minutes until golden brown.

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