Chicken meat and organic chicken

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Chicken meat is definitely one of the most sold types of meat in the Netherlands. It is lean, very tasty and very versatile to use in dishes. Precisely because you can eat so much with it, it is so popular. Very many different types of chicken meat are for sale, nowadays you also have the choice of organic chicken. This gives you a slightly different experience every time you eat it. When you want to eat the best piece of meat, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the meat. The moment you choose chicken from the mass industry, the quality will be a lot lower than when you choose organic chicken. The best place to order meat online is at De Woeste Grond, so you can always be sure that you are getting the best quality.

Buy antibiotic-free chicken meat

A lot of people are unaware of the kind of meat they buy and what kind of circumstances this chicken comes from. This may not seem so important at first, but when you taste organic chicken for the first time, you will certainly notice the difference. The chicken meat from De Woeste Grond comes from chickens that have room to live. They can walk freely, but they can also go outside, for example. Because the chickens have the possibility to move, the meat is leaner and has better blood circulation. These conditions are also considerably less stressful and therefore healthier for the chickens. This also benefits the quality of the chicken meat. As a result, the chickens do not need antibiotics to keep them on their feet. In the end, this is also better for your health. At the same time, there are absolutely no additives in the feed of the chickens, as a result of which they continue to grow normally.

The chicken meat in our range does not come from chickens that roam in the wild. Although we would like this, unfortunately this is not feasible. What we do ensure is that our organic chicken comes from chickens that have the best possible living conditions. This means that the chickens are given good food without artificial additives. No antibiotics are given and the chickens have space to walk around outside. Because of this we create a stress-free environment for our chickens and you will certainly taste this again in our organic chicken.

Chicken carcass for pulling broth

In addition to organic chicken, De Woeste Grond sells ready-made broth. However, it can also be fun to make your own broth with chicken meat. For example, it is possible to use other ingredients, allowing you to determine the flavour of the broth yourself. The advantage of making a chicken stock is that you can be sure that you will be able to use it for a while. In addition, the broth is full of good nutrients that in turn have a positive effect on the intestines. Drawing bone stock is very simple and can be done in no time. First of all, add the different ingredients you want to use to water. Then let these ingredients boil gently and steep for 24 hours. After these 24 hours you will have a large pan with delicious bone stock. Of course it is also possible to freeze this stock.

Ordering organic chicken

Ordering organic chicken from De Woeste Grond is very simple and has several advantages. First of all it is possible to buy larger quantities as you do not have to lift the meat yourself. You don't even have to leave the house. The next advantage is that there is plenty of information available on our website about all the chicken meat in our range. For each type of meat there is a description with more information about the meat. This allows you to decide at your leisure which type of organic chicken suits you best.

The moment you order from De Woeste Grond you know that you will always get the best quality meat. No additions of unnecessary substances resulting in a pure taste of your meat. You might pay a little more at the online butcher's, but what you get in return is an exclusive piece of chicken meat that you will really enjoy.

✅ Is het vlees biologisch?
Ja, onze (online) slagerij is biologisch gecertificeerd door SKAL. Alle kip en varkensvleesproducten zijn biologisch. Wij verwerken in onze slagerij ook vlees van biologische veeboeren, zodat zij het vlees van hun eigen dieren op hun eigen boerderij kunnen verkopen.

✅ Wat is grasgevoerd natuurvlees?
Grasgevoerd natuurvlees is vlees van dieren die in natuurgebieden grazen. Ze eten uitsluitend wat in de natuurgebieden te krijgen is. Bij een hele strenge winter kunnen de dieren met hooi uit het natuurgebied bijgevoerd. De Maine Anjou gaan naar de potstal waar ze ook uitsluitend hooi uit de natuurgebieden krijgen. Ze groeien dus natuurlijk op en eten 100% gras. Ze krijgen geen krachtvoer vol toevoegingen en geen maïs. Dat maakt het vlees ontzettend gezond, duurzaam en veel diervriendelijker.

✅ Waar en hoe bezorgen jullie?
Het bestellen van vlees online is als je voor het eerst besteld misschien een beetje vreemd, maar wij zorgen al jaren met veel succes door heel Nederland en België. Het gras gevoerde natuurvlees wordt door onze natuurslager Léon na het verwerken direct vacuümverpakt en ingevroren. Het vlees wordt diepgevroren op minimaal -20 graden Celsius – door een pakketbezorger - bij je thuisbezorgd.

✅ Is het vlees traceerbaar?
Jazeker! Ons natuurvlees is afkomstig van de Schotse Hooglander, Maine Anjou, Hereford, biologische varkens en Schoonebeker Schaap. Deze oerrassen leven in natuurgebieden in Drenthe, Friesland, Groningen en Overijssel. Onze keten is duurzaam en klein en het vlees heeft een duidelijke herkomstgarantie.

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